Welcome to MAITREE

Life here at ERM is brimming with events - where employees can pursue their interests in areas as varied as art, culture, quizzing, debating and a range of activities. The objective is to ensure that employees are not confined to their desks. Employees exhibit their latent skills and interests through group activities.

With this idea set firmly in our mind, a little endeavor on our part was to start off a small cultural club ‘MAITREE’ for the employees wherein every individual is encouraged to take the leadership, express their views, be witty and whacky, innovative, expressive, confident, youthful, energetic and brainy. Afterall we are determined to bring out the ‘intelligentsia’ in everyone.

The activities would mainly aim at team building activities, Group dynamics, strengthening leadership skills, developing soft skills, personality development exercises and bringing out dormant faculty. We believe to the core of our heart that all work and no play will make one dull and boring. As an organization, operating in Human Resource space, we understand that the complete development of human mind can only happen through informal meets that can invigorate every participant. While some events are for pure fun, some would be learning through fun, and some would be voicing certain concern. In these meets we build bridges and lay the foundation for a congenial and a joyful work environment that strengthens the inter-personal relationships amongst peers & seniors. End of the day we develop strong sense of bonding and belongingness that takes our relationship to greater heights.

'MAITREE' is the base organization that hosts cultural programs for the ERM-ions .

The club members would be meeting once in every month for its sessions within the office premises or outside.

            ........MAITREE would encourage us to live our dream.

            Cheers to the spirit of Maitree....