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Impact of Work-Life Balance on Mental Wellness of Employees

Work plays a significant role in every individual’s life. Jobs help to generate earnings that can help you pay your bills and make savings for future and help you lead a positive lifestyle. However, going by the old adage, All work and no play can make Jack a dull boy. Over-obsession with work will hamper your peace of mind greatly. While dedication at the workplace is admirable, down the line, maintaining a work-life balance is also essential for a productive and happy life. Thus, it is advisable to focus on recruiting workforce for companies where there is a balance between work pressure and personal life.

Why is work-life balance important?

Excessive work pressure is the sole reason behind employee burnout, which can reduce motivation and productivity. It’s not just about feeling stressed and tired; the employee will also lose connections with the world around him and get distanced from the ecosystem that helps him breathe. Confining to work for long hours daily is detrimental to heart and health.

To improve employees' mental health

You cannot expect 100% productivity from a stressed-out employee. Moreover, the effects of prolonged periods of work stress endanger the mental health of the employees. Workplace burnout creates anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, mood swings and even interpersonal conflicts among the employees.

Medical studies prove that more than 60% of heart problems arise due to workplace stress. Thus, maintaining a balance is necessary. In the recent years, Corporate India has unfortunately witnessed deaths of start-up entrepreneurs in 30s and 40s due to sudden cardiac arrest. This tantamounts to colossal national loss of brain and entrepreneur in an over-populated country such as India where employment generation is primary importance.

To make employees engaged with the workplace

When you help employees stay connected with their families, friends, and social groups, they will adore working for your organisation. Companies with highly engaged employees generally resort to employee work-life balance strategies. Group picnics, team lunches, and family vacation holidays are a few things that engage employees and motivate them to work collaboratively towards organisational goals.

In the recent years, we are witnessing flexi hours where one is allowed to log in at the convenience to complete a task. Although this pattern may only fit a certain type of work, allowing an employee to breath and pursue a hobby or interest can help organizations build a long term relationship. Some organizations in India has recently allowed employees to check-into office with their pets as well. Well, it’s another story to be covered some other day.

To reduce workplace boredom

In order to ascertain if your employees are a victim of long and stressful work environment, check the record to find out If employee absenteeism is high in your company? Are the employees bored of the work culture? To boost productivity and creativity, you need to maintain a proper work-life balance in the company. When employees get “me time” within the hectic schedule, they feel liberated from workplace pressure and can use creative thought to plan different strategies.

At ERM Placement Services (P) Ltd, we encourage our employees to embrace their hobbies and interests despite the work pressure. With this idea in mind, we have started a small recreation club called Maitree long time back, where our individual employees express their views, conduct cultural programs, and arrange group dinners, team lunches, and outdoor activities from time to time. We also believe in providing our employees with uninterrupted holidays so that they can spend quality time with their families and friends and come back to work rejuvenated. We invite you to browse through Life in ERM section of our website.

Life in Job Consultancy India | ERM Placement Services (P) Ltd

As an organisation engaged in human resource consulting and recruitment, we believe in maintaining a positive work-life balance among internal employees to encourage productivity.